The tips below are specific to current models (sonic) and do not apply to sonic-preview.

To spell out input text, you can wrap it in <spell> tags.

This is particularly useful for pronouncing long numbers or identifiers, such as credit card numbers, phone numbers, or unique IDs.


1My phone number is <spell>(123) 456-7890</spell> and my credit card is <spell>1234-5678-9012-3456</spell>.

If you want to spell out numbers or identifiers and have planned breaks between the generations (e.g. taking a break between the area code of a phone number and the rest of that number), you can combine <break> and <spell tags>. These tags are considered 1 character and do not need to be separated with adjacent text using a space — to save credits you can remove spaces around break and spell tags.

1My phone number is <spell>(123)</spell><break time="200ms"/><spell>4712177</spell> and my credit card number is <spell>1234</spell><break time="200ms"/><spell>5678</spell><break time="200ms"/><spell>6347</spell><break time="200ms"/><spell>4537</spell>.
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